Kids playing with dreidels

Best Games for the Eight Days of Chanukah

Chanukah is a joyful holiday with rituals like menorah lighting each night of the eight-day celebration. There’s also fried food as well as fun and games. Some of the best games are played when you have a large gathering of friends and family over for your Chanukah party. With eight days of celebration, here are some of the best games you and your guests can play besides the traditional game of Dreidel.

Latke Stacker
Latke (potato pancakes) is a traditional fried food cooked for Chanukah. See who can stack them the highest and then enjoy them together after the game.

Hide the Chocolate Gelt
Gelt is chocolate coins typically given to children during the celebration of Chanukah. In this game, gelt is hidden throughout your home. Children have a mission to find as many of the chocolate treats as they can. It’s a different take on the Easter egg hunt.

Pin the Shamash
If you’ve played “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” you’ll have no problem with this game. The goal is to pin the shamash to the menorah. Take a large paper to draw out a menorah or use felt to create the menorah, then hang it up to the wall or an easel for the pinning-fun to begin.

Dreidel Spinoff
Anyone who can spin a dreidel can take part in this game. The mission is for each participant to spin the dreidel and it’s timed to a stop watch. The one with the longest dreidel spinning time wins the “pot.”

Gelt Checkers
If you enjoy a game of Checkers, then you’ll like “Gelt Checkers.” Instead of having red and black colored tokens, the checker board is topped with silver and gold gelt to represent the different players.

Menorah Ring Toss
The lighting of the menorah is a key element to celebrating Chanukah. Bring the festivities of the occasion to life with a game of ring toss using the menorah. Players are given rings to see who can land the most around each arm of the menorah. To spice it up, anyone who can get a ring on the shamash is awarded extra points.

Spin the Dreidel
It’s just like Spin the Bottle, except you will use a dreidel. Land on the winning side to be the victor and select a prize!

Hanukkah Pictionary
Divide the players into teams with at least 2 on a team. Draw a Hanukkah-themed word and have your team guess what it is. The player then has 60 seconds to draw the word or phrase. If the team guesses correctly within the time limit, they get a point. Mazel tov if you guess correctly!

Musical Latkes
A twist on musical chairs, but with latkes instead. When the music stops, quickly sit on a latke and ty not to be the unlucky left one without a seat!

Chocolate Gelt Toss:
Throw chocolate coins into a bowl or jar and see who can get the most in. You can make it so that you get bonus points for making it from far away!

Light the Menorah Relay Race:
Two teams race to light all the candles on their menorahs first. Light ’em up!

Chanukah Trivia:
Test your knowledge of Chanukah facts and traditions with a trivia game. Study up and be the Chanukah champion!

Your Chanukah party will come alive even more with these wonderful games incorporating some of the elements and traditions of the occasion.

To book a Chanukah party call 516-577-0000 today!